Tatoo Studio KAGEROU



QHow much does it cost?

AThe cost varies depending on the size and detail of the design. For a rough estimate, please refer to our PRICE page.

QCan you provide details about the deposit?

A■ Deposit: A portion of the treatment cost will be taken as a reservation deposit.
■ The rough design will be started after the deposit is received.
■ Please note that if you cancel the procedure after depositing, refunds cannot be provided.

■ Deposit: Starting from 5,000yen or 10,000 yen
(The amount may vary depending on the size. We will inform you of the exact amount after booking.)

■ Regarding deposit payment methods:
○ For customers coming in for a consultation:
→ The deposit will be collected in-store.

○ For customers receiving treatment without a consultation:
→ After booking, we will send a dedicated URL for deposit payment.

Your reservation will be confirmed upon receipt of the deposit payment.

QCancellation policy

AIn our studio, we fine-tune the schedule to accommodate as many guests as possible.

Please avoid last-minute cancellations or changes, as they impact other customers.

If you need to cancel your reservation, please notify us in advance.

Also, be aware that if you cancel or change your appointment less than 7 days before the reserved date, a cancellation fee will apply as outlined below.

【Cancellation fees】
○For customers scheduled for a treatment

・Between three and seven days in advance
→50% of the minimum treatment fee

・Two days in advance
→70% of the minimum treatment fee

・Day before/same day
→100% of the minimum treatment fee

○For consultation-only customers

・From 7 days in advance to the day of the appointment
→Starting from 10,000 yen (varies according to size)

QIs it possible to have a procedure done on the same day?

AYes, it is possible. However, customers with reservations will be given priority. Depending on the design, we may have to decline.

QCan you remodel or cover up my existing tattoo?

AYes, it's possible. However, depending on its current condition, we might decline the request. We recommend visiting us for a consultation first.

QWill it hurt?

AThere will be some pain, but it's within a tolerable range. Receiving a tattoo can be physically taxing, so please refrain from drinking alcohol the night before and ensure you get a good night's sleep.