I want to dive into tattooing in Shinjuku! Recommended studios & things to know! 2025.01.10
What is the meaning behind geometric tattoo designs? Artistic Depth in Simplicity 2025.01.07
Japanese carving popularity ranking! A guide to 10 talented engravers and their designs in Tokyo 2024.12.23
What kind of tattoo is American Traditional? Includes recommended studios and tattoo artists in Tokyo! 2024.08.30
5 Tattoo Studio Recommendations for Women! From how to find one to recommended motifs and popular areas. 2024.08.30
How painful is a tattoo? Where to feel the pain, what to do and how to relieve it. 2024.08.29
Top 5 Recommended Lettering Tattoo Studios in Tokyo 2024.08.29
Anime and Manga Tattoos: The Charm and Designs of “Otattoos” 2024.02.19
Ranking of 10 recommended tattoo studios in Tokyo! How to choose and book an appointment. 2024.01.22
What are Tattoo Stickers! Thorough investigation of how to apply and the different types. 2024.01.22